Six Down, Six To Go

Aisiku Ose Andrea
4 min readJul 1, 2024


Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

Some time ago, my boyfriend asked me what my plans were for the day, and I said, Read. Read. Read. Write. Read. Read. Then, he said, Of course, I’ll ask this question again in 10 years and still get the same answer. We laughed over it, but we know it’s true.

Over the past few weeks, I have been working on one article or the other, meandering from one writing style to the next, one writing app to the next. While I know my writing has improved in quality, it has greatly suffered in quantity. I did not meet some of my deadlines in June. Twice, I wrote articles that were rejected for one reason or another. I bet you know this already but receiving a rejection hurts — especially after you have given that endeavor your best. It hurts. But I cannot dwell on that pain, can I? Receiving a rejection only means I still have that task on my to-do list and I have to start afresh.

Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

I read somewhere that humans like the idea of new beginnings. It is why we are so psyched about the new year, new month, new week, even the next day. Because it is an opportunity to start on a seemingly new slate.

For me, this second half/third quarter/seventh month of the year is simultaneously a continuation and a new start. There are projects I have already started and are either still in motion or drawing to a close — like the reason why I have to write an article for the third time. There are some tasks/roles I will have to put aside. And, of course, some projects I hope to kickstart.

All of these activities fill me with equal amounts of apprehension and excitement.

I have finally come to accept what my friends have been saying for some time now: I am a workaholic. I like to have things to do. I love the feeling I get when I cross something off my to-do list. I love receiving feedback when I have done an excellent job. And while I excel at many things, I dazzle when I work on things I am passionate about.

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

Today does not feel like a new anything, really. Rather, it feels like an extension of things to do. But God forbid, I become one of those people who claim days are just days and there are no special things to celebrate — new months, birthdays, and whatnot.

Right here, right now, I am grateful for how far I have come this year and even more hopeful about how much farther I’ll go. Hell, just this last quarter I got a miracle I was not even expecting! That alone gives me the confidence that I will receive the blessings I pray for and even those I didn’t know to pray for.

Starting this month, I want to try to keep a record of the blessings I experience each day. This way, I can direct my focus to positive things while forging through challenging times. So, even if I have a bad day, I can come back home, and while reflecting, I can say, “Hey, today sucked, but at least this happened!”

Philosophers and the like say, when we focus on reflections, gratitude, building a disciplined system, and living a life driven by excellence, we can lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Enough about me, now. How are you? How have the last few months been? What are you looking forward to in this second half? What new strategy are you implementing in your routine in this second half? How are your 2024 goals coming along? How are you?

Tell me. I really want to know. I could help you out somehow or give you the encouragement and push you need. Let me know in the comments.

Hey there! Thanks for reading to the end. I’ll appreciate it if you tap on the clap button below, leave a comment, and share with those you think would appreciate it too. Thanks again! 🤍



Aisiku Ose Andrea

If I wrote down all my stories and conversations with myself, I would be legendary. Instead, I think more than I read and read more than I write.