April Dump

Aisiku Ose Andrea
3 min readApr 28, 2024
Photo by Hans Ripa on Unsplash

Dear Reader,

Or maybe I should borrow words from Bridgerton and say,

Dear Gentle Reader…

But I don’t have gossip for you. What I have is a tired rant.

I’m back to work, and I must say, it’s been an eventful week. While I love work and working, there are so many things I desire that are currently not happening. Whenever I think about it, it weighs me down. I guess there is a way to work around it.

At this point, I regret not having written this on Friday and putting it off until today. But I know that if I put it off until I am in a better mood, I’ll regret having written nothing in the last week. Nothing demotivates me faster than regrets.

Instead, I present today’s article in a numerated format:

  1. I have had an idea to write a book for a while now. The title would be Letters to Jedidiah. It would be about everything I wish my childhood had been, the lessons I have learned so far, and what I wish my relationship with my children would be like. Does this sound like something you would buy?
  2. I read a story of a man who explained to his babe that she was a struggling partner. Have you ever felt like a struggling partner? How do you navigate through?
  3. How often do you feel like you’re unserious with the one life God has given you? Never? Must be nice to be you.
  4. Are you happy with what you’re doing with your life? Are you happy with how your life is going?
  5. How do you balance doing what pays the bills and doing what you love, especially when what you love does not pay the bills?
  6. How often do you feel like running away? From everything and everyone.
  7. Is your smile genuine?
  8. What would you not do for money? This is not a challenge to the universe. She tends to take things like that to heart. But really, what would you not do for money?
  9. Why are most older married men shameless?
  10. Why is life hard?
  11. Do you ever think about the number of people who walk this earth carrying broken dreams?
  12. How many times have you had to dream again?
  13. Does it get better, or do we get stronger?
  14. What breaks your heart more? Relationships or Dreams?
  15. How big are your ideas? Do they scare you?
  16. Do you always believe in God? What do you do when you do not?
  17. When was the last time you cried, and why?
  18. How do you get your mind to keep quiet?
  19. Why is it easier for some people to give up?
  20. How do you know that what you are doing is right?
  21. Why are you doing what you are doing?
  22. Who are you? What drives you? Why are you here?
  23. How many times has your heart been broken?
  24. When was the last time your heart broke?
  25. How tired are you?
  26. How do you know that your dream is not a mere obsession?
  27. How much magic do we purposely ignore or try to rationalize on a daily basis?
  28. Do you believe in ghosts?
  29. How do you make things right?
  30. When is the right time to give up?
  31. How do you see the brightness everyone seems to see in you?
  32. How do you self-motivate when you’re a hair-breadth away from giving up?
  33. How do you explain that you wear pride like anklets even when it weighs you down and slows your gait?
  34. How do you soothe troubled waters when it sometimes seems like you are drowning?
  35. Why are we here? Where do we go from here?

If you would like to answer any of these or you have questions of your own, you’re welcome to ask/answer in the comments. If you would rather converse anonymously, here’s the link: https://ngl.link/ose_andrea_1

I hope your week is way better than my Sunday. See you again on Friday (hopefully).



Aisiku Ose Andrea

If I wrote down all my stories and conversations with myself, I would be legendary. Instead, I think more than I read and read more than I write.